News and Other Excitement
This is where you can find info about upcoming products/designs or any other exciting news
Tokens Are Here!
The first round of tokens have finally been added to the shop! I'm so excited for these. More will be coming to this collection as I have another order out currently. Tokens featured in the next influx will be Glimmer, Shark (flying), Wurm tokens (both lifelink and deathtouch variants), and a few more. I can't wait to see them and add them to the store! New stickers will also be added to the sticker collection within the coming weeks.
Upcoming Line of Product:
While currently the only products being shown in the store are stickers, I am excited to announce that the first prints for "trading card game" token cards have been ordered. I have ordered from two different companies to see which one will be a better fit for me, and can't wait to see them! The first listings will be a fairly limited run as I placed smallish orders so I could gauge which company will be better for printing, but future printings will be more plentiful. I started working on digital art so I could create digital versions of old token cards I had made to mass produce.